Monday, February 4, 2013

Prompt 2 on Trifles

I do not think this would be the best decision for a production of Trifles. It does, however, have benefits. By not giving the naturalistic visuals of what is being described in the play, the audience is forced to dedicate a lot more focus on what is being said. Without the detailed visuals, they must rely on the importance of the details of the dialogue. I believe that this enhances part of the message of the play. That is, the trifles are much more than just trifles. They are important and significant, much like the details in the dialogue. That being said, I do think that something is lost with a more theatricalized production of the show. It is a contradictory concept, because the visuals are quite important. While the details of the dialogue would be enhanced, you would lose the importance of what is being seen. The things we see on stage are the only things we know about Ms. Wright. She is never seen, so her items in the house are all that we know of her. When you take away those items, the story no longer becomes what is happening, but it becomes about the two women sitting on stage. They become the center of attention when in fact they should simply be aids to the story. While a more theatrical version with limited props and costuming could be justified on certain levels, there are flaws in the concept, for what is seen is indeed the fuel for the story. Yes an audience would have to focus more on the words, and use their imagination with the descriptions of the items, but we lose information on the most important character. Ms. Wright. This cannot happen. We must not lose what we know of this woman, because she is the changing force in the story. We must not hear what she was like, but see what she was like. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words.

1 comment:

  1. I suppose in my opinion it would be of importance that the director chose what route he wanted to go with in the lack of or importance of the details. I figured if there were not many visuals in the play whether from lack of budget or just choice, that the items that are important should be visually exquisite, meaning it should look more charming that anything else in the play so it stands out. Honestly I would prefer to just see different takes on the play to interpret what techniques would be best.
